Capturing Beauty: An Interview with Juan Bertoni

Illustrator Juan Bertoni began his life as spring dawned in the Southern Hemisphere, born in Bahía Blanca, Argentina, on September 22, 1987. This poetic beginning reflects Juan’s journey in art, which has been intertwined with creativity since childhood.

Juan’s work has been featured in major fashion publications like Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, and he has collaborated with brands such as Gucci and Tory Burch – and now also The Long Kiss. These experiences have connected him with a global audience, while allowing him to explore new artistic landscapes.

The Creative Process Behind The Long Kiss Collaboration

The collaboration with The Long Kiss was a journey of blending creative ideas and aesthetics. “We started by exploring my personal sketches and finding ways to incorporate them into their jewelry pieces,” Juan explains. This process involved close teamwork and a shared vision to bring a unique story to life through the collection. The result is a harmonious fusion of his illustrative art with the brand’s luxurious jewelry, offering customers a fresh perspective on wearable art.

A Childhood of Imagination and Exploration

Juan’s early years were marked by a rich environment of nature and curiosity. Living in a house built by his parents, with a shed known as “el galponcito” in the backyard, he found a world full of old objects that sparked his imagination. “That shed was a magical place for me,” Juan recalls. “It was filled with what others might see as junk, but to me, they were treasures waiting to be discovered.” This setting, along with performing with his sister, fostered his lifelong passion for art.

The Path to Illustration

Juan’s connection to illustration developed organically, without a singular defining moment. He often used art as a way to deal with the feeling of not fitting in during his formative years. “Art was my escape and a way to express myself,” he says. His distinctive style, characterized by transparency, texture, and pattern, draws from a diverse range of influences, including Henri Matisse, Tracey Emin, and Yayoi Kusama.

A Unique Artistic Voice

“My style is very much my own,” Juan explains. His work merges elements from various artistic disciplines, crafting a unique narrative voice. This individuality was crucial in his collaboration with The Long Kiss, where Juan integrated his personal artistic touch into the brand’s vision. “Working with The Long Kiss allowed me to blend my illustrations with their jewelry designs, creating something that speaks to both art and craftsmanship,” he notes.

Creative Process and Daily Life

Juan prefers working in a quiet, serene environment, often creating digital works during the night. “There’s something about the stillness of night that fuels my creativity,” he shares. The natural light in his Barcelona apartment also plays a significant role in his traditional work, making his workspace an ideal place for artistic exploration. His days are a mix of creative endeavors, social media engagement, and enjoying simple pleasures like coffee outings and walks.

The Essence of Beauty and Inspiration

For Juan, beauty is a “sensitive appreciation of the world.” His illustrations are designed to evoke emotions, using form, color, and composition to invite viewers into a personal and emotional journey. “I want people to find a piece of their own story in my work,” he explains.

Looking Forward

As Juan continues to pursue new creative ventures particularly within fashion, his collaboration with The Long Kiss is a shining example of the synergy between art and craftsmanship. His contributions not only reflect his artistic journey but also enrich the brand’s narrative, providing a novel approach to the beauty of jewelry.

Discover more about Juan Bertoni and his collaboration with The Long Kiss on our Instagram, where art and jewelry converge to tell unique and captivating stories.

2023 The Long Kiss Aps
Bijoux d'art conçus au Danemark